Asha Teens

Asha Teens are .

ASHATEENS was formed in 2015 in order to encourage teens to become more involved within their communities. Now, the Asha for Education NYC/NJ Chapter is proudly supported by a team of dedicated teen volunteers who readily and passionately commit hours of hard work in order to ensure that Asha is able to meet its goals and give back as much as possible.

We eagerly encourage all teenagers to join the NYC/NJ Chapter in its endeavors!

Meet the Teen Coordinators

President: Ishan Parmar

 My name is Ishan Parmar, and I am currently a senior at Newark Academy. I have been working with Asha For Education for four years now. Over the course of my time with the program I have helped create brochures, planned and participated in different fundraisers and events, and gained support for the program. I am lucky to be part of a wonderful team that helps underprivileged children in India. I look forward to my continued work with Asha and I hope that I can help many children in the years to come. 

Vice President: Rida Ahmed

My name is Rida Ahmed, and I’m a junior at Woodbridge Academy Magnet School. I’ve been with Asha for Education for around 3 years now, and it’s been an honor to work for such a noble cause. I look forward to working with this organization further and helping bring education to underprivileged children in India.

Webmaster: Harshita Sudhakar

My name is Harshita. I’m currently a student at South Brunswick High School. I heard about Asha through my sister, and support the cause because of my passion for education for kids. I enjoy computer science and playing the clarinet.

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.Francis of Assisi